Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Its July????

So I have been gone for a while, no reason in particular other than sheer laziness. Well I thought I would stop by and say hello and update you on whats going on over here. I have been doing good still going to the gym several times a week, it really helps that my mom and two of my good friends also have joined YMCA so I have a ton of support in that area! My membership officially starts today! Tonight we are going to a Latin Hip Hop class that is for sure my favorite class so far! I like to pretend that I am some backup dancer on tour with Britney or something and I have to really do a good job with the choreography. That way I pay attention to my arms and make sure they are strong and high, and I make sure I am putting all my effort into what I am doing and not wimp out. It makes it more fun, I think!

Other than that, I started reading a new book last night and I absolutely love it! I have never EVER read a book that was like this before. Its like the book was written for me to address where I am right now in my life. The book is called "What a Girl Wants" and its by Kristin Billerbeck. I knew this book was for me when the tag line on the cover said "All I want is a cute Christian guy who doesn't live with his mother- and maybe a Prada handbag." THAT IS SO ME! I started reading the first few chapters and am absolutely in love with it. The character in the book is similar to me, and she is at that point in her life where all of her friends are getting married and having babies, and she isn't and she cant figure out why. She thinks something must be blatantly wrong with her, but she cant figure out what it is. And she is happy for all of her friends that are married and procreating, but she cant help but almost cry she hears about another success because she cant find her own. She is searching for meaning and acceptance as a single woman and I can relate so much its scary. She can figure out why everyone else around her is single, but she cant figure it out for herself and I cant wait to see where this book goes. (Although I have a feeling she is gonna fall in love and then I will no longer relate to her, but still, maybe there is hope....)

So anyway, I guess that's my rant for now... LATER!!

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