Monday, June 22, 2009

Jon and Kate....

Ok, I a going to seriously be sad if Jon and Kate split up, but you have GOT to read this speculation about their "big announcement"!! HAHA


So on Saturday I woke up early and went to St. Paul to try on bridesmaids dresses for my friends wedding. I have to say- they are FABULOUS! I cant wait to see them all together at her wedding next summer! She has really good taste so I knew we would be getting awesome dresses. Plus, I have known her since high school and her ideas have never changed and I love her colors!!

After that, I called my Dad and wanted to come up and see him for fathers day. He was out on Mille Lacs and since the weather was supposed to reach 90, I thought I would invite myself up. I drove the 70+ miles to get there and was out on the lake by 1pm. The weather was amazing and we boated around the lake until after 5pm. They only problem? I forgot sunscreen! And in that kind of sun with my kind of skin, well, you can see the result!


So, when we first went on the lake, my dad took me to this weird seagull island that's a random pile of rocks in the lake. The gulls were NOT happy that we were there and began to scream at us and circle the boat. Not to mention, the smell really REALLY bad! I got a cool pic of them though!

There was a few other islands that really caught my attention, mainly because they are out quite a distance from shore and they have HOUSES on them!! I think it would be so cool to own property like that! As you can see, this island is all by its lonesome and there is a house hidden behind those trees!

Two gross things on the lake: the water, and the mayflies. The water in the lake is disgusting if you really look at it. There are particles of who-knows-what floating in there along with dead bugs and all that stuff. It reaffirms why I do not swim in lakes. It has always creeped me out. And the mayflies are gross and stick to everything so its hard to flick them away like other bugs. I remember one 4th of July a LONG time ago where I was in Garrison and the mayflies were covering everything that stood still. At the gas station, they were on every inch of the gas pump, light post, walls, cars, everything! Needless to say, I am not a fan.

Here is the water, its hard to see but you can see chunks in there!

And here is a mayfly that wouldn't go away!

On a more random note, here is a funny pic of my desk. I have a tiny gnome and a few dinosaurs on my desk and I got them this umbrella for shade. It just cracks me up! (Makes me want to say "You can stand under my umbrella ella ella....")


Thursday, June 18, 2009

A few of my favorite things....

Since I don't really have anything interesting to blog about today, I decided I would post some random pics of my favorite things... So, in no particular order here we go!

I love MAC makeup. This is my makeup case- it opens up kinda like a fishing tackle box and have a bunch of different layers so I can organize and store my makeup. Although it doesn't all fit in there, its nice to keep somewhat organized and its easy to carry around and bring with me.

Along those same lines, I LOVE lipgloss. I have more lipglosses than I care to disclose, but I love all of them. Right now my obsession is Dazzleglass from MAC because they are super shiny and glittery and when you wear them in the sun, they just DAZZLE (as the name would imply...)

I also love making chocolate covered fruit. Any of my family members or co-workers can confirm this fact. I love thinking of new ways to make the presentation even better and this is a batch I whipped up for St. Patricks day... They are strawberries and raspberries covered in milk chocolate or white chocolate, then I used green sugar sprinkles to decorate the white ones, and glittery green frosting to decorate the milk chocolate ones. Needless to say they tasted AMAZING and looked fabulous too!

And finally, I really want a yorkie. Really really really bad! They are so freaking cute! I fell in love with the breed about 5 years ago, and ever since, I have vowed to get one. When I buy my own place (which better be sooner than later) I want to get a yorkie as my housewarming present to myself. Unless you want to buy me one, in which case I will gladly accept a free yorkie puppy!

See! Tell me you are not in love with that little bundle of adorable!!

So, enough rambling for me today. Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rain rain go away

So yesterday we had quite the adventure in Coon Rapids- our street flooded. This isn't the first time it has done this, but this time there were some extenuating circumstances.... They are going to be re-doing our whole road this summer and they just took out all the manholes and covered them with dirt and put an orange warning barricade over them. They also took the gutters and wrapped them in plastic, so as you can imagine, no rain was getting through those suckers! Right in front of my house, the road dips down, so the water tends to collect there. When I got home some poor pizza delivery guy decided to try to go really fast through the water and his car ended up stalling, and its still sitting outside today. Needless to say, if you ever want to cross a flooded road, do it SLOWLY! The faster you go, the more water you push up in front and its actually more likely to flood your car! There, that was my tip of the day.

Anyway, here is the scene last night in front of the house with neighbors and dogs loving their new lakeside property!

This is the public works guy who FINALLY came out and took the plastic off the drains so they could suck the water down. (Notice his BRIGHT yellow jacket)

And here is what the street SHOULD look like, without a foot of water....

And you cant see it very well, but you can kind of see the water-line that was made in the yard when the water took over...

Good times! And I guess its supposed to rain today and tomorrow too. At least the plastic is off the drains, we should be good for now! :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

My whole body hurts....

This Saturday I went to a class at the YMCA called Body Pump. Man, I am sore!!!!!! Its a one hour workout and you use weights and work out most of your body. My arms kill and my legs hurt when I stand up or walk stairs. Guess that means I worked hard! I really liked how the music went with the moves, it made it more interesting to do and more fun!

Then for lunch, I made myself a mini pita pizza. It was really good and really cute! I used this sandwich thin bread that April showed me and I baked it for a few minutes. It was about the size of an English Muffin. So cute! And yes, those are mini peperoni's!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Elephant Chicken

Thats right, you heard me! Elephant chicken! On Monday we went out to eat for my Grandma Gen's birthday, and my sister Kristen had a piece of sweet and sour chicken that looked like an elephant. Its not only hilarious, but relevant, because my Grandma LOVES elephants. See--

So, for dinner, we went to PF Changs and we had a really great time! Here is the group pic:
(L-R) Kristin, Debbie, Katie, Grandma Gen, Grandma Sally, Jani, Trevor

Here is My Grandma with the 4 sibs

And here she is with Katie and Kristin

And, in case you are wondering what I ate, well I had spinach sauteed with garlic, and some watermelon! I had like a pound of leftover spinach too!! But, it was good...

Then, on Tuesday, a bunch of my cousins and family and I went to see "Up" (it was the second time for me) and it was really good (AGAIN!) I planned ahead and brought stuff I could eat since everything in the movie theatre has SUGAR and FAT all over it, I brought 1/4 cup of soynuts, 2 sugar free Dove chocolates, a bottle of water, and Powerade Zero. Jealous? Thats what I thought!

Then last night, a bunch of my family and I went out to eat and then went to visit my Grandpa's grave. Its been 5 months since he passed away... its weird.

But on a happy note, the mariachi band went nuts with my grandma and kept dancing around her, it was awesome! I know this pic is blurry, but it gives you the idea!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Busy week

Not working really keeps me busy.... sleeping, watching tv, watching movies, blogging, visiting people, paying bills, making phone calls, cleaning, doing laundry, napping, texting, reading Perez..... wow! :)

On Wednesday I headed up to Cambridge and picked up my friend Sarah's kids for the afternoon. We had so much fun!!! They are incredibly wonderful kids and I was lucky to have them all to myself for the day. We went to the park first, and had tons of adventures. You know, bad guys chasing us and locking us in jail, trying to get the diamond from the mountain, cleaning our "house", etc... Then I took the kids to Dairy Queen and let them pick out something. Nick really wanted a LARGE ice cream cone so I let him and it was HUGE. He didn't finish it, but he did get down to the cone hahaha. Then we headed back to their house and played in their rooms for a while, then watched a movie til Sarah came home. Then she and I had time to chat before I headed home.

Then on Thursday I was with my Grandma Gen most of the day. I am very thankful to have the days off I have had because I was able to help her out and drive her around for a while. I am really lucky to have such an amazing family. She then took me to lunch and then we went grocery shopping too. It was a good time! On Monday we are taking her out for her birthday at PF Changs- YUMMMMMY!

Then last night, I went to my cousin Sarah's dance performance called Cloud Turn. It was really cool, she is unbelievably athletic! I really cant wait to talk with her about the show to get some insight on it. Its always a blessing to see my family and spend time with them. Ever since my Grandpa got sick and passed away, I feel a closer connection to my cousins than ever before. I know it is because we spent a lot of time together during that period and we all know how each other feels. I saw my cousins earlier in the week when my other cousin had surgery, then last night, then Tuesday we are going to a movie, then Thursday we are going to get together to remember my Grandpa on the anniversary of his death. I really cant thank God enough for this family. I don't know what I would do without them!

So any who, I am off to get my Grandma Gen her birthday present. PEACE!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Today, I am glad I am not a celebrity

Ok, So I watched "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" and let me tell you, I do NOT envy them at all!!!! You could not PAY me enough to live in the crazy Costarican jungle- no way, no how! It encompasses all of my greatest fears; camping, spiders, no running water, and Sanjaya! I could not survive for one minute! Plus tonight they had to eat these crazy foods and one had to eat a tarantula! COME ON! That is soooo wrong! So, for today, I will be glad I am not a celebrity....