Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I AM blonde....

Although I am not naturally blonde, I bleach my hair to make it so. At this point I am pretty sure the dye has seeped into my brain and made me a dumb blonde. This was proven three times in a row yesterday....

First, I was at Party City buying some items for a Baby Shower I am hosting next month. After gathering all of my purchases I went to the register to pay and the woman in front of me had tons of stuff to buy. I watched as the cashier scanned everything and being the friendly Minnesotan I am I started chatting with the lady buying all the stuff. She had a bunch of black and hot pink items for a bachelorette party including serving platters, necklaces, napkins, etc. I jokingly said "Yea, I just did one of those parties" (meaning a bachelorette) "And now I am doing one of these" and I showed her the baby shower items I had. She smiled and then was paying for her items when I realized, to my horror, that she was not buying bachelorette party items, it was for a SWEET 16!! The poor lady in line thought I was saying I had just thrown a Sweet 16 and now its a Baby Shower! I was too embarrassed to fess up, plus I thought it was funny, so I left without saying anything else. (Plus, this might make for a very important mother-daughter talk...) lol...

Then, on my way home, I was at a red light and wanted to attach my new air freshener. It is one that clips to the vent so when air flows through it the scent fills your car. I was having a heck of a time getting it to stay on the vent and I pushed really hard and my hand slipped and next thing I know my hazard lights are flashing. By this time, the light had turned green so I had to proceed through it, then I pulled over to try and turn off my dumb lights! I knew it had to be somewhere easy because I had just turned them on! After several minutes of unsuccessfully looking for the switch I had to haul out the car manual to look it up. When I finally found the right page, I was embarrassed to see I had been staring at the button the whole time. I turned it off and drove away.

As soon as I got home, I wanted to finish the invitations for the baby shower. I sat down to do my final touches when I realized that on every single envelope (32 of them, to be exact) I had place my return address label on the WRONG SIDE! I had put them on the upper right hand corner where the stamp should be! I was really upset with myself because HELLO! This is basic! Luckily I was able to peel off each label and put a new one on the proper side without too much damage. Thank God the stamps weren't put on yet, I would have had to buy more!

So, I think my point has been proven. I am blonde no matter what my hair roots say!

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