Sunday, August 23, 2009

And we thought we were going to see fireworks....

So last night I went with my friend and her family to see the fireworks in Mounds View. Seems simple enough, right? Well it didn't turn out that way. As we were watching the fireworks we could hear two men yelling obscenities at each other and acting like they were going to fight. My friends mom stood up because she wanted to go talk to them and at the same time I walked around the idiots and found a police officer and let him know these men were acting like this and I was afraid they were going to fight. The other annoying thing was that they were cussing in front of all these little kids who were trying to enjoy themselves and watch the fireworks with their families. At the end of the fireworks, my friends mom went up to one of the boys and told them to be the bigger man and walk away and he did.

Just when you think all the craziness is over for the night, it isn't. We went back to the car and were trying to leave the parking lot when this kid in his red truck tried to cut us off when it was our turn to go. Then he proceeded to flip us off. We rolled down the window and my friends mom said "We are going every other one" meaning one car at a time and the kid proceeded to yell obscenities at us. I rolled down my window and asked him to flick us off again so I could take a picture and send it to his mother. And he did!

Then this kid followed us around a neighborhood and passed us on the right hand side, but we were able to get rid of him. And just for the record, I AM going to try to figure out who this kid is and send the pic to his mother, just as I promised....

On another note, my friend had these AWESOME snacks that I tried and am now in love with! They are little S'more snacks and I think I have a new love....

And lastly, this is one of the first negatives of surgery and its called hair loss. I have lost a lot of hair in the last few weeks, and I knew it was bound to happen but I hope it stops soon! I brushed out my hair last night and this was the result. I am hoping that this is the worst of it. But I am still glad I did it! This is a small price to pay!

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