Thursday, August 13, 2009

Too obvious?

So I have been cleaning out my clothes lately and came across a bunch of shirts that made me laugh- it seems I have a propensity to collect shirts in this nature. I decided it was worth posting because its funny!
The first is "I love Boys in Uniform". True, true....

"I love hockey players" all I have to say about that is DUH! :)

"I love the M" Meaning the University of Minnesota (this is secondary to the one above- I do love Gopher Men's Hockey players, but I couldn't find a shirt that says that. Plus, I am too old for that now. It would have to say "I love former Gopher Men's Hockey Players" hahaha)

"I love dirty rocker boys" this is mostly true. I think most girls like bad boys somewhat, but I can't say its my ultimate fav. Come on, you know I love boy bands!

"Looking for a good ol boy" this is very true! 'nuff said!

Beyond my t-shirt advertisement for a husband, I also have some other random shirts. This is "Team Jolie" referring to the Angelina Jolie vs. Jennifer Aniston fight over Brad Pitt. Although in real life I am actually "Team Aniston" I can't pass up the chance to get my name on a shirt! I am fairly certain this was a gift from Tanya and I love it!

"Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go to HOLLYWOOD" Ironically, I am going to Hollywood two weeks from today.....

Lastly, this is a shirt I had made for me after I was a bridesmaid in my millionth wedding. Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE being in weddings- I love the whole thing! But, I wish one of these days it would be MY wedding I was in....

1 comment:

  1. lol - great shirts
    I especially love that you have a team Jolie one for yourself for YOUR name:) I am totally team Aniston as well!
