Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And there was a pink rock!

So this last week was a good one. Last week on August 13th it was my Grandma Sally's 89th birthday so we took her to dinner and had a really nice time. She also showed off her new bench that my aunt and her family gave her to put out at my Grandpa's grave. It has deer in the seat back and its especially meaningful to us. Its a gorgeous bench and I cant wait to use it!

Then later that same night my Grandma and our family friend Glenda came over on her HARLEY! Only my grandma would fearlessly take a ride on a hog for her 89th! Go Grandma, its your birthday!

Then for the weekend, I went up to Brainerd with my dad and brother and we had a really nice time! Friday we spent a good portion of the day out on the lake, it was awesome! Such nice weather to be outside!

My view from the boat; not too shabby!

In the evening we went to a camp out and they had this HUGE dog there. Its hard to tell how big he really is but we did compare him to the dog on "The Sandlot" a few times...

The also had a nice campfire that I was able to enjoy....

One of the other things I enjoyed about Brainerd was this big rock they have that everyone writes on. It must have layers and layers of peoples names and messages, and I just think its awesome. This time it was even painted pink for some lady named Barb's birthday! It cracked me up!

And then we played mini-golf at the COOLEST mini-golf place ever! Its all pirate themed and I just love it! Can you guess who lost?

And in case you didn't hear, Brett Favre will now be wearing purple and gold. Not sure how I feel about this since I really don't care that much about the NFL but we will see how it goes....

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the hog pics - too cute:)
    Glad you had such a nice weekend - wish I could have been there with ya to celebrate Grandma's b-day, but I'm pleased it went so well!!
