Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Labor day weekend!

This weekend I went to my goddaughters birthday party up in Brainerd at their new house. It was a really fun time and its so nice to see all the kids growing up. Here is the cutest chalk drawing ever of my goddaughter Cadey.

When I first got there, Nick offered to read me a comic book and I was blown away by his awesome reading skills!! He does a really good job sounding out words and the GI Joe comic book he was reading had some HUGE words in it!

Then a bunch of the kids were having a great time playing in Cadey's room and they hog-piled on Nick- it was classic especially since he is outnumbered 6 girls to 1 boy...

Cadey wanted to have a dance party so she got all dressed up like Hannah Montana

Then she took her doll Piggy out into the living room to join in the dance party

Here is a pic of all the girl cousins- sooooo cute!

And here is all the girls and Nick

You can tell they are an Army family when the Hannah Montana birthday girl is walking around with a giant gun! :)

My sisters took a seat in Cadey's room

Then it was birthday cake time! Cadey had a cute cupcake cake that was shaped like a purse and it had a glass slipper and giant ring on it.

Sarah was also so nice and got my sister Kristin a mini birthday cake since her birthday was the day before

On our way out of town we stopped at the Brainerd visitor center and took pics with Paul Bunyan!

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