Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Sorry its taken me so long to add to my blog! I can't say I am soooo busy, but I haven't had much to talk about.

So this past weekend I went up north to Breezy Point for a bachelorette party for one of my best friend's- Alyssa. Isn't she gorgeous!!??

We were in a cabin with a bunch of girls and went out to the bars for her party and we had a BLAST!
Here is the bride-to-be and I at the bar

And here is my other friend Erin and I

This guy cracked me up because he had one of the t-shirt tux's on and it went perfect with the bride!!

Needless to say, we had an amazing time for her last weekend as a single girl, and now I can't wait 'til the wedding!!

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